NSEC3 Hash Breaking
Matthäus Wander, Lorenz Schwittmann <>
DNS-OARC Workshop
Dublin, May 13, 2013
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Lorenz Schwittmann
Secure Denial of Existence
  • Goal: offline signing of NXDOMAIN responses
  • Sort owner names in canonical order
  • NSEC: sign proof of non-existence
ftp   IN  NSEC   mail
  • New requirement: hide names
  • NSEC3: hash names before sorting
3a45  IN  NSEC3  78a1
  • “There is no name with \(\text{3a45} < h(\text{name}) < \text{78a1}\)
  • 31 top-level domains use NSEC, 81 use NSEC3
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Lorenz Schwittmann
Reasons for and against NSEC3
  • Opt-out
  • Privacy
  • Complexity
  • CPU performance
⇨ How well does NSEC3 prevent zone enumeration?
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Lorenz Schwittmann
NSEC3 Hashing
def nsec3(name, iterations, salt):
    digest = hashlib.sha1(name + salt).digest()
    for i in xrange(0, iterations): # for(i=0; i < iterations; i++)
        digest = hashlib.sha1(digest + salt).digest()
    return digest
  • name: label-encoded FQDN (RFC 1035 Section 3.1)
    • = \x03foo\x07example\x03org\x00
  • iterations: SHA-1 operations – 1
    • 0 iterations = 1 SHA-1 operation
    • 10 iterations = 11 SHA-1 operations
  • salt: any binary blob 0–255 bytes
    • hexadecimal presentation format
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Lorenz Schwittmann
SHA-1 Hash Function
  • Name+Salt ≤ 55 bytes will fit into one SHA-1 block
  • Each SHA-1 block increases the hashing work
  • Maximum: 255 bytes name + 255 bytes salt + padding ⇨ 9 blocks
  • Hash value is 20 bytes (32 bytes encoded as Base32hex)
  • No known pre-image attacks on SHA-1
    • collision attacks not relevant for common NSEC3 usage
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Lorenz Schwittmann
NSEC3 Top-Level Domain Survey
TLD It Salt | TLD It Salt | TLD It Salt
1. ac. 5 a9f1a97445 | 28. hn. 10 6a9f5952 | 55. pw. 150 46a94223
2. ag. 1 d399eaab | 29. in. 1 d399eaab | 56. re. 1 badfe11a
3. am. 10 76931f | 30. info. 1 d399eaab | 57. ru. 3 00ff
4. asia. 1 d399eaab | 31. io. 5 28fb2159b6 | 58. sc. 1 d399eaab
5. at. 5 c8ea5a6104 | 32. jp. 8 d8cb49d670 | 59. sh. 5 2dc36b4ec0
6. be. 5 1a4e9b6c | 33. kr. 10 96e920 | 60. si. 5 380b3abbb6
7. bz. 1 d399eaab | 34. la. 150 61ca116859 | 61. su. 3 00ff
8. ca. 5 | 35. lc. 1 d399eaab | 62. sx. 10 4321
9. cat. 12 ae7a5f02ad | 36. li. 2 025e | 63. tf. 1 badfe11a
10. cc. 0 | 37. lt. 5 797ecdb87f | 64. th. 10
11. ch. 2 d01f | 38. lu. 3 83e2faf0 | 65. tm. 5 d03dd9e26c
12. cl. 2 a45f80464b | 39. lv. 8 02c42256bc | 66. tt. 10 72183e36
13. com. 0 | 40. me. 1 d399eaab | 67. tv. 0
14. cr. 10 00000000 | 41. mil. 10 febc | 68. tw. 10 23411313
15. cx. 10 34f35594 | 42. mn. 1 d399eaab | 69. ua. 13 c0ffee
16. cz. 10 cf089385be | 43. museum. 12 3b616ccef9 | 70. ug. 10 6f1f6f40
17. de. 15 ba5eba11 | 44. my. 10 5439b2 | 71. uk. 0
18. dk. 17 0c8f6e891c | 45. nc. 10 140238c4 | 72. vc. 1 d399eaab
19. edu. 0 | 46. net. 0 | 73. wf. 1 badfe11a
20. eu. 1 5ca1ab1e | 47. nf. 10 45b970ec | 74. xn--3e0b707e. 10 96e920
21. fi. 5 d3f06270dd | 48. nl. 5 272ea647c5 | 75. xn--h2brj9c. 1 d399eaab
22. fo. 10 69bf459c | 49. nu. 12 5544da4b | 76. xn--kprw13d. 10 23411313
23. fr. 1 badfe11a | 50. org. 1 d399eaab | 77. xn--kpry57d. 10 23411313
24. gi. 1 d399eaab | 51. pl. 12 28fb33b947 | 78. xn--mgbx4cd0ab. 10 eb9717
25. gl. 10 6cd13fb2 | 52. pm. 1 badfe11a | 79. xn--o3cw4h. 10
26. gov. 8 4c44934802 | 53. post. 1 d399eaab | 80. xn--p1ai. 3 00ff
27. gr. 10 beef | 54. pt. 10 fcce | 81. yt. 1 badfe11a
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Lorenz Schwittmann
Attacking NSEC3
  • Crawl NSEC3 hashes implemented
  • Break NSEC3 hashes
    • Brute-force attack implemented
    • Markov chains implemented
    • Dictionary attack work in progress
    • Rainbow tables no plans
      (won't work once everybody starts changing the salt regularly)
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Lorenz Schwittmann
Crawl NSEC3 Hashes
  1. Calculate hash value of random name
  2. Check whether hash value falls into known NSEC3 range
    • If yes, go back to step 1 and try again
  3. Send query to server, receive NXDOMAIN and new NSEC3 range
  4. Repeat until NSEC3 chain is complete
  • Download \(n\) NSEC3 ranges with \(n\) online queries
  • For large zones, finding the last NSEC3 ranges can take a while
  • We send one query to a zone at a time
    • Host:
    • IPv4: IPv6: 2001:638:501:8efc::159
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Lorenz Schwittmann
Brute-force Attack
  1. Enumerate all names up to a certain length
    • aaa, aab, aac, aad, ..., aa8, aa9, aba, abc, ...
  2. Hash name
  3. Check if hash is in known-hash array
    • Efficient approach: binary search with \(O \left ( log(n) \right )\)
    • Challenge on GPU, global memory access is slow
    • Bloom filter before binary search for probabilistic test: 300% speedup
  • Limited feasiblity
    • 9 characters: ~1 week
    • 10 characters: ~37 weeks
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Lorenz Schwittmann
Markov Chains
  • General idea: characters in natural languages follow hidden markov models
    • Probability of a certain character in a word depends on its predecessors
    • Example for the English language: 'th', 'he', 'in' and 'er' are very common
  • Use a data set to calculate character transition probabilities
    • Names from brute-force attack for example
    • Advantage: TLD-specific probabilities are considered
  • Use efficient algorithm which enumerates highly probable names
    • Ported Simon Marechal's John the Ripper Markov patch to OpenCL
    • Not exhaustive: omits improbable names
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Lorenz Schwittmann
Tool: nsec3breaker
  • Written in Python and OpenCL
  • OpenCL runs on CPU or GPU
    • AMD/ATI graphics card: runs best
    • NVIDIA graphics card: runs decently
    • CPU with AMD APP SDK: runs
svn co

(install dnspython, numpy and pyopencl, see HOWTO.txt)

python -o         # Desktop GPU: set also -c 0.01
python -r someusername  # register at server
python -j               # fetch and compute jobs
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Lorenz Schwittmann
  • Brute-force attack performance
    • Radeon HD 7970: 1800 MHash/s
      (360 €)
    • Radeon HD 6970: 550 MHash/s
      (200 €)
    • 4 cores (out of 12) Intel Xeon X5650 2,67 GHz: 17 MHash/s
  • Number of crawled hashes so far: 5,6 M
    • Top 3: ch. (1,46 M), cz. (1,03 M), nl. (1,45 M)
  • Number of broken names so far: 1,6 M
    • Top 3: ch. (481 k), cz. (428 k), nl. (390 k)
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Lorenz Schwittmann
  • Finish dictionary attack
    • create dictionary from PTR reverse lookups
  • Automatic scheduling
    • crawl unknown zones
    • distributed breaking of unknown hashes
  • Goal: full copy of all DNSSEC zones
    • for monitoring and further research
  • Join the distributed computing project
  • Question to you: publish zone data?
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Lorenz Schwittmann