Measuring Occurrence of DNSSEC Validation
Matthäus Wander <>
DNS-OARC Workshop
Toronto, October 14, 2012
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
  • What is the ratio of validating clients in the Web?
  • Validating ⇨ rejects invalid signatures
  • Outline
    • Measurement methodology
    • Result analysis
    • What's next?
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Measurement Methodology
  • Signed zone
    • Domain name sigok with valid signature
    • Domain name sigfail with broken signature
  • Two web-based resolver tests (interactive, hidden)
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Interactive Test
  • Client-side JavaScript and images
  • Load image from sigfail domain name
    • Success: no DNSSEC validation
    • Failure: go ahead
  • Load image from sigok domain name
    • Success: DNSSEC validation enabled
    • Failure: inconclusive result
  • Result is shown to the user and
    POSTed to our webserver
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Hidden Test
  • Load transparent 1x1 pixel images from sigok and sigfail
    • Static HTML snippet (no JavaScript)
<img src="" alt="" height="1" width="1">
<img src="" alt="" height="1" width="1">
  • HTTP and DNS requests logged and evaluated offline
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Client Identification
  • Correlate client with resolver IP address in different server logfiles "GET /ok.png?aa53 HTTP/1.1" 200 413 query: IN A -ED
  • HTTP redirect to
    • Where ID \(:=\) hex(SHA256(client_ip))[0:4]
    • Stateless mapping of client IP address to 16 bit ID
    • Unlikely to collide at the same time with different clients
  • Pre-generated zone with \(2^{19}\) resource record (88 MB)
    • Delivers broken signatures without nameserver adaptation
    • Vanilla zone layout
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
  • sigfail might fail to load for unrelated reasons → false positive
  • Require loading sigok to exclude some fault sources, e.g.:
    • failing to receive EDNS0 messages with packet size \(>\)512 bytes
    • not loading images or not following cross-domain HTTP redirects
  • Some fault sources remain, e.g.:
    • network fault
    • user closes browser tab prematurely
  • Another possible fault: sigfail loads, sigok fails
    • Harmless invalid result (false negatives are not possible)
    • Same fault pattern like a false positive (occurs with non-validators only) → estimate ratio of false positives
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Comments 1
Caching: DNS TTL=60, HTTP header no-cache
Result Analysis
  • 2.6M DNS/HTTP requests since May 2012
    • Grouped by ID into 336k Bernoulli trials
    • Δtime between requests \(<\)30s
  • 220k complete trials:
    • DNS request for sigok and sigfail
    • Both HTTP redirects and HTTP 1x1 sigok image
  • Validating:
    • no sigfail HTTP query OR
    • all DNS queries without DNSSEC OK flag
  • 116k incomplete trials:
    • Mostly same client visiting several pages + browser caching
    • 326 trials missing sigok → estimated 0.15% false positives
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
DNSKEY Missing
  • Seemingly positive result but DNSKEY query is missing
  • Indicates false positive
    • Occurred in 369 trials (0.17%)
    • Comparable to estimated ratio of false positive
  • Limitation: we correlate DNSKEY via IP address, not ID
    • Might be a true positive in forwarding scenario
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Data Cleaning
  • Positive result but DNSKEY missing (0.17%)
  • Duplicate results per IP address within 24h (59%)
  • ID hash collision (\(<\)0.01%)
    • Different client IP addresses with same ID
  • Inconsistent user agent (1.2%)
    • Mostly harmless e.g. same user accessing website with two browsers
    • But also: 2 clients behind NAT with different resolvers
⇨ one or more filter conditions applied to 130k (59%) trials
Not filtered: inconsistent IP addresses (1.5%)
    • HTTP images queried from different IP addresses than redirects
    • Occurred with enterprise and carrier-grade NAT
⇨ 89k results from 70k distinct IP addresses
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
DNSSEC Validation Ratio
Chart 1: Validation ratio per calendar week, overall 4.7%
Chart 2: Absolute numbers per country
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
DNSSEC per Country
Results from 179 countries, 31 with \(>\)500 trials
No. Country Trials Validation σ
1. Sweden 738 55.6% ±1.8%
2. Czech Republic626 35.8% ±1.9%
3. United States 10739 13.7% ±0.3%
4. Netherlands 1332 4.7% ±0.6%
5. Brazil 911 4.3% ±0.7%
6. France 2159 4.3% ±0.4%
7. Switzerland 1894 4.2% ±0.5%
8. Poland 1372 3.9% ±0.5%
9. Germany 29975 3.7% ±0.1%
10. Italy 1095 3.5% ±0.6%
11. Indonesia 1015 2.4% ±0.5%
12. Ukraine 1708 1.9% ±0.3%
13. Greece 1014 1.7% ±0.4%
14. United Kingdom2373 1.6% ±0.3%
15. Serbia 615 1.5% ±0.5%
16. Philippines 752 1.2% ±0.4%
No. Country Trials Validation σ
17. Belgium 606 1.0% ±0.4%
18. Austria 2100 0.9% ±0.2%
19. Australia 711 0.8% ±0.3%
20. Russia 2606 0.7% ±0.2%
21. Mexico 627 0.5% ±0.3%
22. China 627 0.5% ±0.3%
23. Canada 1066 0.5% ±0.2%
24. Spain 1932 0.5% ±0.2%
25. Malaysia 529 0.4% ±0.3%
26. Romania 1039 0.3% ±0.2%
27. India 2325 0.1% ±0.1%
28. Vietnam 2517 0% ±0%
29. Egypt 727 0% ±0%
30. Turkey 651 0% ±0%
31. Israel 591 0% ±0%
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
Further Results
AS Organization Count
3320 Deutsche Telekom 10,675
15169 Google 8,045
3209 Vodafone D2 3,675
13184 Telefonica Germ. 1,983
36692 OpenDNS 1,739
4.2k others 66,297
  • 36k trials (40.7%) comprise \(\small\ge\)2 resolvers
  • 3k trials (3.5%) comprise \(\small\ge\)2 resolvers from different ASes
  • 1.3k (1.5%) were negative but contained DNSKEY query
    • Trials with one and with multiple resolvers
    • DNSKEY query is a weak validation indicator
  • Some clients use mixed validating and non-validating resolvers
    • Get SERVFAIL from validator, fall back to non-validator
    • Our test yields negative result in case of mixed validation
    • Except when application aborts waiting for name resolution
⇨ Effect of mixed validation needs to be investigated further
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander
What's next?
  • Raw data (anonymized) will be available in a few days
  • Paper with details currently under peer-review
  • Want to contribute? Add HTML snippet to your website
    • Privacy note: discloses to us client address, referer, user-agent
  • Pending enhancements
    • Minimize traffic of duplicate tests
    • Generate online statistics
  • Related project: VeriSign prefetch test
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Matthäus Wander