DNS Fast Query

dnsfastquery is a Python tool for sending DNS queries to a bulk domain list.

Use Case

One way to send DNS queries for a bulk domain list is to call dig or drill in a script. Example:


if [[ "$1" == "" || "$2" == "" || "$3" == "" ]]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 RESOLVER_ADDRESS domainlist.txt DNSTYPE"
    exit 1

# output format: domain, rdata...

while read d; do
    a=`dig @$1 +short $3 $d`
    while read -r line; do
        d+=", $line"
    done <<< "$a"
    echo "$d"
done <"$2"

This works well for up to a couple of thousand domains, but may be too slow for more than that. Evaluation of the output may become difficult, depending on the complexity of the analysis. dnsfastquery can be used to speed up the process and save the raw DNS response for later analysis.

Features and Properties

.dnsdata File Format

The *.dnsdata file can be parsed with dnsfastquery.reader. Function read_file(filename) gives you the responses in binary format and function parse_file(filename) as parsed dns.message.Message objects.

In case you prefer to implement your own binary parser, the file format follows:

dnsdatafile = *( result )
result = unixtime domainlen domain numresp *( response )
response = respsize respdata

Integers are in network byte order (big-endian).

Name        Data Type   Description
result      struct      Variable-length structure of metadata and responses

unixtime    uint32      Timestamp when responses have been retrieved
domainlen   uint8       Length of domain name string in bytes
domain      string      Variable-length UTF-8 encoded domain name
numresp     uint8       Number of responses following
response    struct      Variable-length response data structure

respsize    uint16      Length of DNS message in bytes
respdata    struct      Variable-length DNS message in wire format


python3 -m dnsfastquery.harvester RESOLVER_ADDRESS domainlist.txt DNSTYPE...
python3 -m dnsfastquery.reader file.dnsdata


python3 -m dnsfastquery.harvester example_domains.txt TXT
python3 -m dnsfastquery.reader example.dnsdata


